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Partner 21- The Max Born Institute (MBI) for Nonlinear Optics and Short Pulse Spectroscopy
The Max Born Institute (MBI) for Nonlinear Optics and Short Pulse Spectroscopy, founded in 1992, belongs to the "Forschungsverbund Berlin e.V." and is a member of the "Wissenschaftsgemeinschaft Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (WGL)". The MBI has about 180 staff, of which 90 are scientists (including PhD students).
The "Max Born Institute" was named in honour of one of the key scientists of modern physics. Max Born has been born on December 11, 1882 in Breslau. His professional career lead him to Professorships in Berlin, Breslau, Frankfurt/Main, Göttingen and Edinburgh (1936-1954). Finally, he came back to Germany, where he died on January 5 1970 in Göttingen. He received the Nobel prize in 1954 together with W. Bothe for his statistical interpretation of quantum mechanics and his lattice theory of crystals.
His work includes groundbreaking research for describing atomic processes using quantum mechanics, important contributions to the development of formal quantum mechanics (together with his students W. Heisenberg und P. Jordan) and to modern optics. He conveyed these contributions in "Born and Wolf: Optics", which has remained a key textbook until the present day.
The MBI conducts basic research in the field of nonlinear optics and ultra-fast dynamics of the interaction of light with matter and pursues applications emerging from this research. For these investigations, it uses laser based short pulse light sources in a broad spectral range from the mid-infrared through the visible and down to the x-ray wavelength region.
Our research focuses on new sources for ultra short and ultra intense light pulses, pulse shaping, pulse characterisation, and measurement techniques for ultra fast processes, with applications in basic research and in the development of newly emerging key technologies - with emphasis on physics, material sciences, photo chemistry, and photo biology.
With its research, the MBI fulfils a nationwide mission and is an integral part of the international science community. It offers its facilities and its scientific know-how also to external researchers within the framework of an active guest programme. The MBI is involved in a large number and variety of cooperative research projects with universities, other research institutions and industrial partners.